Lois Dixon has been a Serving Our Seniors volunteer driver in the Transportation Program for 10 years!
As Lois was approaching retirement, she wanted to find a volunteer opportunity to “test drive” before she quit her 9:00a – 5:00p job. Fortunately for us, she chose SOS because it initially allowed her the opportunity to volunteer for Saturday Quality of Life drives, while still working. The last year before retiring, she began volunteering during the weekdays using her remaining vacation days. She found weekdays to be the perfect fit for her with Serving Our Seniors. She retired in 2016 and has been volunteering regularly for Medical and Quality of Life drives.
Between January and June 2023, Lois has completed an astonishing 45 drives and has driven almost 1,200 miles! Additionally, she has logged over 109 volunteer hours! SOS is blessed that Lois selected the SOS transportation program, as the place for her volunteer career.
Lois…Thanks for all you do!
If you would like to become a volunteer:
- Call our office at 817-282-0531
- Email VolCoor@sostx.org
- Click to download – SOS Volunteer Application