Senior citizens today face unprecedented challenges when trying to stay independent, and Serving Our Seniors is here to help make that a possibility.
Opportunities include: Driving Clients to and from medical appointments or quality-of-life drives (drugstore, bank, groceries). Host or help out at a monthly social event, or sign up to call or visit with a Client regularly. Assist seniors with minor home repairs, wheelchair ramps, Adopt-A-Lawn program, and group service days.
Volunteer Application »Provide Help, Hope and Healing to Senior residents with your donation. Become a monthly supporter, become a 'Friend' of Serving Our Seniors (SOS) or make a one time donation. Donate your time by volunteering through one of our programs: Transportation, Helping Hands or Social Outreach. Your support allows SOS to make a difference in the lives of Seniors.
Donate »A 'Friend' of Serving Our Seniors (SOS) is an individual, family, church or company who contributes to the sustainability and growth of SOS by committing an unrestricted gift of $500 or greater per year for three years or more.
Choose a payment plan »Share our mission with others. Help recruit Volunteers and Donors from support groups such as area faith-based communities, civic organizations, businesses, and friends.
The Festival of Friends (FOF) annual event is held the last Thursday in October at the Hurst Conference Center. FOF is the primary fundraising event for Serving Our Seniors.
Contact Us »Provide and/or serve lunch for a large group of Seniors that gather monthly to make new friends and visit with current friends. Host a table as a Volunteer to assist with games and questions. Make a Client's day with a smile and a helping hand.
Contact Us »Know someone in need, tell them about our services or tell a friend about our volunteer opportunities. Share our website and phone number.
"Like" us on Facebook and Instagram, and "Subscribe" to our YouTube channel! Share our news, events and stories with friends and family.