As the 2019 growing season comes to a close, we want to sincerely thank the Adopt-A-Lawn (AAL) Volunteers for caring for 52 Client lawns this season. These Volunteers “adopt” a senior’s lawn for the growing season and often create a bond with the Client that lasts many years.
We also want to extend a special thank you to the Volunteers that participate in the “Mower Brigade.” This group of Volunteers meet one day per week during the growing season to mow up to 8 Client lawns on the AAL waiting list. Every year there are lawns that do not get adopted by an individual and these Volunteers ensure the non-adopted lawns are mowed at least once per month. “Mower Brigade” Volunteers above, from left to right (Vern Leder, Paul Bergeland, John Nowakowski, Eric Allan, Paul Meinen, John Keigley and Doug Northup). The 2020 AAL season will begin in March. If you are interested in adopting a Client’s lawn or joining the Mower Brigade, please contact the MCCC office at 817-282-0531 or visit our contact page.